Friday, August 12, 2011

A Second Chance

Well here I am AGAIN!! Only this time with a vegence and a slightly different heart. Actually working towards a new heart is the main reason I am back in the mode of stepping into a new me. A month ago I gave birth to my baby girl, she is a mother's dream child. During the delivery however the doctors discovered something "slightly" alarming; my heart stops. Yes, I said that right my heart stops and then it kicks back into gear and gets going again. I am currently seeking out heart doctors but until I can find one covered under my insurance I realized theres only one way to make my heart healthy. So I decided to take you along on the journy with me again. I am on day 4 of glutten free and working out. My working out right now simply consists of walking every night for approximately 1 hour. Thanks to a handy heart monitor and fancy watch that i wear I am able to say that I burn approximately 500 calories each night that I do this.

My newest accomplishment is drinking my water. I have always in the past had a hard time finding ways to make myself drink the water. It was never about the taste or lack thereof it was simply just not drinking anything throughout the day. Now, thanks to my husband, I have a hand water bottle that lets me measure how much water I am drinking. My trick for drinking water: there is none. You just have to do it! If you like flavors then you can add lemons, oranges, cucumbers, even the packets you buy at walmart. If you are a "forgetter" like me, set an alarm on your cell phone reminding you to go and drink you water!!

My goal for the week: is to finish this week up Glutten free. I guess I will not be eating that spaghetti I bought from the store tonight, especially now that I have told the world, or the 1 person reading this, that I will not be eating it.

Until next time: Drink your water and thanks for following me as I embark on this "new" journey of STEPPING INTO A NEW ME!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


OKAY, so here we go its the start of a new weekend and hopefully the start of learning to control my weekends and say NO!! The weekends are the hardest part for me in staying home. It seems like everything we do is surrounded by eating and eating BAD FOODS!! I usually do good during the week when I am staying busy, but then during the slow times at home I am eating. So i end up losing weight during the week just to simply put it back on in 2 days over the weekend so i end up spending the next week trying to counteract with that. This time I am hoping to just simply STAY ON TRACK!! We will see how it goes!! I am hoping since I started out this blog it'll keep my a little more motivated to get back on here and let you guys know how I did!!

God Bless and LOVE TO ALL!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am writing...

I am writing because.. I am hungry. But what do you expect of someone that has lived their life on nothing but food. The truth is I am probably not even hungry, simply bored or just want to taste something!! I have done pretty good so far today, there are a few changes I would make like 1) eat breakfast 2) don't eat potatoe chips. The good thing for today was I only the portion size or maybe even a little less of the chips! I don't ever want to cut anything out of what I eat I just want to learn how to not let it control me!! I did get up this morning, but i didn't go work out, so thats my next goal is to start working out in the mornings!! UGH! If you know me, you KNOW I DO NOT DO MORNINGS!! But i suppose it is time. I have had a little fear put under my belt that has helped me today. My father has been having some chest issues and one of the things that they think it is is that his arteries our clogged. YES SCARY!! We will know more tonight or tomorrow!! I am also getting a pedicure tonight for the very first time ever and so I am excited about that. It's an important part in learning to love the me from the inside out!!
So here I am rambling and I think that my "hunger" has subsided I guess its time to go fix some supper for the kiddos and find something good for me :)
God bless to all and thanks for letting me ramble!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Who knows!!

I keep wondering what the point is in doing this!! And then for some crazy reason God shows me. I have been so down lately on this "diet"/life change stuff, because it seems like it will never be enough. All that I want is to be healthy and happy with myself. The later part I realize tho is not a weight issue and that is something that God is teaching me to be happy from the inside out. The reason I do not give up is because I know that my God has big plans for this weight loss and for me and my future. That is why I continue on this journey. Tho it has been very very very slow at times, I will continue to press on.. WHO KNOWS what the future holds, a book, a story, or just simply the journy but i know that I will continue on someway somehow. I got special encouragement this morning from clear across the world from me, just simply knowing that she is reading this is encouragement to keep going.. WHO KNOWS maybe i can stay on my journey and she will someday get to meet the new me :) Some how I know that I can do this, but my body and stomach keeps saying you can't. But I guess that is the great thing about Our God, he is that one that says I CAN and He is the one WHO KNOWS!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Monday!!

Good morning guys!! Well we are week 3 into training for that marathon and honestly I haven't pushed myself to far yet. I have worked on attempting shedding some pounds and just simply getting my energy up. This weight loss thing has done wonders on my energy and spending time with the kids. We even walked to get an icee yesterday, which may not sound like much to you but for my family it was a big deal. Last year at this time we always just hopped in the car and drove to get our icee's. I did my 3 day fruit diet and lost 5 pounds off of it! I have 19 more pounds to go until my next big goal. I haven't set a reward yet for that one. Anyone got any suggestions!!

This morning I listened to Joyce Meyer, an amazing woman of God. She talked about not throwing pitty party's and when the devil decided he was going to throw one, don't accept the invite!! This included weight issues!! Just live life praising God!! I shouldn't be conforming to the world in the way I look, instead I should be letting God transform my inside out! To be more like Him! Looking great is wonderful, but its more about health!! I've kinda had a new adventure put infront of me and I think I can do it!! Strike that.. With God... I KNOW I CAN DO IT!!!

I started my morning out with an Activia and now its time to head to work!!

Today's goal: NO PITTY PARTIES!!!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 1

Well guess what?? I did it!! Did what?? I signed up for a marathon!! Am I ready? Mentally? YES Physically?? NOOO But you have to start somewhere and here I am starting! I have 2 and half months to whip myself into shape. Doing something that hasn't been done around here in a long time. A girl going from Fat Chick to Marathon runner! I am bound and determined to do this. It has been my dream for a very very long time. Many of my friends will tell you this, i just have never done this. So when a special person asked me to do a marathon with her, how could I say no! I am very very far behind being in shape. Infact where I stand tonight is I can comfortable run 2 blocks and I have to go 6 miles. But, if you know me I will not give up and I will cross that finish line in a couple months. Hope your excited to go on this journey: From Fat Girl to Marthon Runner!~!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wonderful Friday!

Well I did it! I went 100% glutten free yesterday! I even had a ham and cheese sandwhich (on corn tortillas) :) It feels great to be glutten free!! I believe I will continue to work to it! I didn't lose anything this past week from living to eat instead of eating to live. But, I feel like I am getting back on track. Now if only I could find a way to get motivated into working out. Tho, I had a little motivation yesterday as we were at the park with the kids playing. My husband said it was amazing to watch the energy that I have now to play with the kids and it simply made me want more and more!! I want to run with my boys for hours upon hours!! They are my true motivation!!
This morning for breakfast I had a hardboiled egg that we broke up, alot like a scrambled egg added a touch of butter then the salt and pepper! It was great~!@!

Well, I will write more tonight! I am off to work, to run and play with the children!